Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?

Covenant Christian Academy is located in the Children’s Ministry Building at First Presbyterian Church of Augusta. See here for a closer look at our facilities and classrooms.

Do Covenant Students wear uniforms?

Yes, Covenant students wear uniforms. We will provide each family with information regarding how to purchase uniforms upon admittance to the school.

How big are Covenant’s classes?

Our goal is to have class sizes of 12-16 students. In the early years of our school, we may choose to implement a forms model in which each form consists of a cohort of students across a two year age range, with a dedicated teacher for each form. For example, Kindergarten and 1st grade would be considered one form. “Continuity subjects,” like history are handled with the whole group together. These can be taught to students of different ages at the same time. Take the example of reading an historical account of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. You can read this account across age ranges and each student will interact with it on their own level. Each child will bring a different perspective that will enrich the education of all of the students involved.

Other subjects within the same form are “discontinuity subjects.” Subjects like Math and Reading will be taught in smaller groups by age and ability within the form. The kindergartner will need a different level of instruction as opposed to the 1st grader. Practically, this might look like the teacher spending time instructing Group A then allowing time for Group A to practice while the teacher moves on to instruct Group B. This model works well for a smaller school like Covenant.

If our classes sizes are full, we will hire one teacher per grade level.