Our Vision & Mission

Mission: Covenant Christian Academy seeks to partner with families to disciple the next generation in a Biblical worldview, instilling in students a deep affection for truth, goodness and beauty for the benefit of man and the glory of God.

Vision: We believe that parents are the primary communicators of truth in the lives of their children. The church, educators and the community play an important role. However, parents are the primary disciplers of their children. We aspire to be a resource for parents as they seek to educate their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

“The mind of the little child is an open field, surely 'good ground,' where, morning by morning, the sower goes forth to sow, and the seed is the Word. All our teaching of children should be given reverently, with the humble sense that we are invited in this matter to co-operate with the Holy Spirit; but it should be given dutifully and diligently, with the awful sense that our co-operation would appear to be made a condition of the Divine action; that the Saviour of the world pleads with us to 'suffer the little children to come unto Me,' as if we had the power to hinder, as we know that we have.”
Charlotte M. Mason